The Immigration Myth

A tipping point has been reached across the West where immigration is increasingly regarded as unacceptable across all economic and educational classes.

The indigenous population sees new immigrants as competitors for their jobs, sucking precious social welfare funds to support mass immigration, providing cover for terrorism, importing precepts and demands incompatible with Western values and supplanting Western civilisation and languages.

Immigration and globalism have become dangerously intertwined, as the June 2016 Brexit vote in the United Kingdom made clear.

The resulting polarization and destabilization in the United States have driven the rise of extremist and populist politics exemplified by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

President Obama argued passionately to the General Assembly and the UN Refugee Summit in September 2016 that immigration creates diversity which acts as a vital stimulant to the economy.

This statement holds as long as an economy is large and growing with visible horizons.

Western citizens have indeed been ready to embrace immigrants in good times, but Obama’s speeches failed to gain traction in the very charged and changed atmosphere of 2016.

Osama bin Laden’s 2001 Islamic Jihad and its multiple active splinter groups mean terrorism now seriously threatens the healthy functioning of western systems, while the 2008 economic collapse and sluggish recovery have created a global atmosphere of economic doubt, insecurity and recessive behavior.

Germany has been at forefront of immigration and of immigration issues since Chancellor Angela Merkel announced an open door policy for Syrian refuges in September 2015.

But German industry now observes that it will have done well to integrate just 20% of its newly entered refugees within 5 years.

The companies quoted on Germany’s DAX Stock Exchange employ 1.4 million people in Germany, but while Deutsche Post had taken on 50 refugees by September 2016, the rest had hired just 4 between them.

Professor Klaus Jürgen Bade, a migration researcher and German government advisor, believes that 75% of the refugees who arrived in 2015 will have found work in 10 to 15 years, but the remaining 200,000 to 300,000 will remain permanently unemployed.

The mass migration from the Middle East and Africa is a function of Islamophobia and xenophobia within their own respective cultures, religions and societies.

Many of the emigrants from this region have literally been bombed out of their habitats by neighboring and outside countries, their own regimes or terrorists against a background of rapidly rising populations, lamentable economies and climate change, creating mass migration.


This is particularly worrying because the global Muslim population is forecast to nearly double to 2.8 billion by 2050.

Until western and world leadership focus attention and inject political “persuasion,” the situation will only deteriorate, with masses knocking on western doors, destabilizing the West yet further.

The rapid IT and AI evolution of self-learning computers and sophisticated robots will further reduce the need for workers at every level globally, adding to the stress, polarization and destabilization of both the West and the developing world.

Policy Implications

  • Tighten Border Controls
  • Support Leadership Seeking Political/Economic/Social/Religious Solutions in Africa and the Middle East
  • Western Nations must unite with the European Union to support African countries in
    • creating vital migrant holding camps in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East
    • creating jobs
    • promoting education for girls and women

Our full analysis is available.

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